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Pasture Raised Eggs and The Big Deal with Supporting your Local Farms.


Nowadays, there are so many egg options to choose from and it can be quite confusing.

You will see words like Caged, Free Range, Non- GMO, Organic, Cage Free and Pasture Raised..

I have done a lot of research when it comes to what these labels truly mean, and I have found that Pasture Raised is the best.

I want to share with you what these terms actually mean:

Caged- Hens are confined to cages with a 67 sq. inch space each. Most of the time they never have the chance to see the light of day and consume a corn and soy based diet.

Over 90% of eggs in the U.S. come from hens that are kept in cages for their entire egg laying life. This is so sad to me and the last thing that I wish to support.

Cage Free- These hens have more room than caged chickens, but they are not actually "free" since they are confined to a barn or warehouse with far too many hens for the area given. They are also raised on a corn or soy diet, which directly affects the nutrition of their eggs.

Free Range- These hens are given less than 2 sq. ft. per lady. These chickens don't get as much outdoor time as you would think, they are also fed corn or soy based feed.

Pasture Raised- These hens are given at least 108 sq. ft. each and consume some feed along with lots of grass, bugs, worms and anything else they can find in the soil.

Pasture Raised Hens spend their days roaming the land. They have access to fresh air, exercise, sunshine and a natural diet. At night the hens are kept safe in a shelter.

Pasture Raised Chickens provide the most nutrient rich eggs and their health is a direct reflection of their living environment.

Pasture Raised Eggs have more than double the total amount of omega 3 fatty acids.

They are an amazing source of healthy fat.

Pasture Raised Eggs are rich in cholesterol which is so important for our optimal health.

Pasture Raised Eggs are one of the most nutrient rich foods that we have access to.

They are are wonderful source of Selenium, Phosphorus, Vitamin B12, Cobalamin, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and so much more.

High quality eggs are a great addition to a healthy, balanced diet. They are a perfect source of protein, healthy fats, cholesterol and so many essential vitamins and minerals.

Just like choosing organic food in the grocery store, buying high quality eggs is an investment in your health and a form of self love.

I can't ignore the fact that Pasture Raised Eggs are the most expensive on the grocery store shelf and this can feel unobtainable to a lot of people, trust me I understand.

I want you to know there are other ways to access eggs for a more reasonable price along with other high quality animal products and organic produce.

I am going to write another blog with a list of resources for these things, but here I want to focus on sourcing Pasture Raised Eggs.

There is always the option to raise your own chickens, which is a dream of mine for the near future. This is a commitment and clearly would have to be the right situation for you.

I know so many people with Pasture Raised Hens that don't have acres and acres of land. They are making their homestead work where they are and it is so beautiful!

Another option is to make connections at your local farmers market!

A lot of times you can find eggs from a loving home and since you are purchasing directly from the farmer, the price of the middle man is cut out.

Purchasing products from small farms and family businesses makes such a big difference in so many lives.

As for myself, I have made connections to locals who have their own chickens with an abundance of eggs. Each week or two she messages me when she has enough to sell and I pick them up from her. It makes me feel so good, knowing how the chickens are treated and that my purchase is also supporting a local family.

I made this connection through a local Facebook group.

I have also worked as a farm hand when my friends go out of town and need me to watch over their animals, this is always a great exchange for eggs and some side money.

Another idea that I also find myself doing often is bartering!

Maybe you love making bread, or you have an abundance of one vegetable from your garden this year, maybe you have a service you can offer in exchange for farm fresh eggs!

Bartering keeps our communities knitted together and supporting one another, which I find so special.

If you find that purchasing Pasture Raised Eggs at the Grocery store is the best option for you, I have included a resource that list trustworthy brands.

I support whatever you decide is optimal for yourself and your family.

I only wish to encourage you, and offer information that I found helpful when making the transition into incorporating eggs.

All my Love,

Carlie Anna Humble

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