Raising Whole Children
I made the decision when my son was 5 years old to start homeschooling. I knew with my entire soul it was something I had been called to do. I feel we are meant to spend so much more time with our children than what society generally portrays. I wish to be available for my family in a huge way, this is so important to me. I wish to create memories on a daily basis and teach all of the skills that will be carried throughout his entire life. I wish for him to love learning and to understand that we should never stop. I create our curriculum on my own and do things in a way that works best for us. I have learned so much over the past 4 years and want to share how things don't have to feel overwhelming, they don't have to be hard and each day can be the most beautiful day of your life, with your child along side you.  I am excited to share these things with you! May we raise children that don't have to heal from their past, may we raise whole humans who know their power and may we raise happy families no matter what the dynamic.

Homeschooling in the Natural World
I have a blog that is all about incorporating nature into your homeschool day!
I have written out the beautiful reasons that we homeschool in nature within this blog. I have shared some things our own family does and some ways that you can incorporate more nature into your day.
You will find linked resources and books that we have truly loved using for curriculum, along with some inspirational books for homeschool parents.
I have included some quotes that always seem to bring the truth in my heart back to the front of my mind.
I really think you will enjoy this one!
I hope to see you there!