1-Take some time for yourself.
Autumn and Winter are the Earth's way of telling us to slow down.
The Fall and Winter Seasons are when I love to take the time to learn a New Skill that I can implement within the new year.
2- Boost your Immune System. Be sure you are receiving all of the vitamins and minerals that you need to remain well. I take Natural Shilajit as a daily supplement to ensure my body is receiving what it needs.
3- Stay Hydrated. As the weather cools down, we don't have the urge to drink as much water as when it is hot outside. Make the effort to stay hydrated.
4- Eat food that are Organic, Local and in Season.
Our bodies are designed to eat the foods that supports the season we are in.
Check Out the Season Food Guide Linked Below!
5- Supporting yourself with Warming Herbs. One of my favorite Organic Herbal Shops, Bliss Energetics has given me a discount code that I will share below. They have wonderful herbal blends for supporting our bodies in the cooler months along with so many other natural remedies.
6- Keeping yourself Moisturized. Cool temperatures can make our skin very dry. My favorite Moisturizer is handmade by my friend, Harmonie. I will list her Etsy Shop Below with a Discount Code!
7-Staying active. While Autumn and Winter are a perfect time to rest, it is also very important to stay active as well. Starting your day with a yoga flow will help your body with circulation and warming up. It is also so important to spend time outside. Taking a brisk walk in the crisp air is one of my favorite things.
8- Do some "Fall Cleaning and Clearing". Since we will be spending more time inside, it is important to create a healthy and supportive space for you and your family. Removing excess clutter and organizing each area of your home can give you a sense of peace and make it more enjoyable to spend time indoors.
