Hey! I hope you are doing well and that this post bring you value no matter the chapter of life you are in.
Thank you for being here with me.
Let me start off by saying I am still in the middle of my exploration and only wish to share with you what I am learning along the way.
A good friend of mine shared this with me and I am so grateful for that.
I wish to do the same for someone else who may be confused on what to do in a similar situation.
For a while now, as most of you may already know, my husband and I have been on the journey of conception, growing our family is one of our biggest and most beautiful
dreams together.
We went through having a miscarriage a few years ago and were given very little support or information on why this could be..
The doctor told me the only logical thing to do would be for me to schedule a full hysterectomy at age 24... Obviously this wasn't okay with me.
It reminded me so much of when I was heavily urged at the age 18 to get an IUD that ended up causing me so much stress, pain and ultimately created issues for many years to come.
Our bodies do not work on an extreme, one size fits all approach and they never will.
I felt left in the dark and confused on what to do.
I know how easy it can be to put so much blame on your body when it may have plans of its own. I want you to know its not your fault if you feel this way, and it's not your bodies fault either.
We live in a toxic world with birth control and synthetic everything being pushed at us 24/7..
What I have come to realize is that our bodies are magnificent and so intelligent!
If we are not in optimal health or our bodies believe that we are not in a safe space to carry a child, the body will do its best to protect itself. That is pretty amazing.
This can come from a multitude of things. An example is maybe you are not eating enough, so your body may think there is a scarcity of food sources, therefore not an optimal time to be fertile. Stress can also play a huge role in your body feeling like it is in a constant state of panic, raising your cortisol and lowering your other major hormones. There are so many different variables and reasons why are bodies respond the way they do. Our bodies are crying out and it truly is a sign that we need to look deeper into what needs to be healed.
I plan to write another blog with much more detail on my healing process, how I learned to integrate and accept our experience, along with why I feel being a mother is a woman's highest fulfillment here on earth and some other helpful remedies that I have discovered.
In this blog I really want to focus more on the solution that I have found and share how it has helped me tremendously!
Within this past year especially I have been learning so much about our rhythms and cycles that we all share as women.
I have been learning how to support my womb and release anything that may be holding me back.
I have been learning how delicate our hormone levels can be and how greatly they impact our overall health, longevity, wellness and our fertility.
All of our hormones work together and our bodies focus on what they feel is the most vital for us at the moment, which can cause other important hormones to be put on the back burner.
This Women's Health Test has revealed to me where I need to put my focus and support in order for my body to feel its best!
It can be a major guessing game without some guidance, and it can also be extremely expensive to have these panels done by a doctor.
The test is offered by a company called EverlyWell.
I was so pleased with the clear directions that were included along with everything I needed to ship my samples back to their lab for testing.
They offer many different test, depending on what your concerns are.
I took the Women's Health Test which covered so many important hormones and antibody levels. Once the results came in, I received an email and through their app I was able to see where my levels were, compared to what is considered the healthy range.
It was very simple to read my results and the app includes tips for regulating a balancing the areas that you need support in.
This test specifically measures 11 biomarkers known to play an important role in our overall health and wellness.
It was wonderful to see that the test directions specify which times of the month that you should collect your samples, this is due to our hormones changing depending on what phase our bodies are in. It was nice to know I was receiving well rounded results, rather than a one time and done lab test.
Estradiol, Progesterone, Luteinizing Hormone, Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, DHEAS, Cortisol, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone, Free T3, Free T4,
Testosterone and Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies are all measured.
This test revealed to me that all of my levels were perfect except for one very important hormone which has caused me to be infertile for a very long time.
I am so grateful to have found this test because I now have a clear understanding on what I need to focus in on.
There is an abundance of different test to choose from over on their website depending on where you are in your life.
I highly recommend this test if you feel the need and desire to understand your body on a deeper level.
They also offer Food Sensitivity Test, Thyroid Test, Mens Health Test, Metabolism Test, Food Allergy Test, Total Testosterone Test, Cholesterol and Lipids Test, Inflammation Test, Outdoor Allergy Test, Heart Health Test, Vitamin D Test, Sleep and Stress Test, Perimenopause Test, Heavy Metals Test, Postmenopause Test, Ovarian Reserve Test, and a Variety of Supplements.
Hormones and health overall can be a very overwhelming topic, due to all the information that is available and all of the differing opinions.
I believe the best thing we can do as women is take our health into our own hands, reclaim our beautiful temple and support our womb space.
We deserve to live our lives feeling our best and fully experiencing what this life has to offer.
I want to give you hope, because sometimes it can feel like there is no answer in sight.. I understand how that feels, and I also know that we have the ability to heal ourselves if we are willing to take on the responsibility.
Once we have a clear understanding on what is going on within our bodies we can choose the best path of healing.
Everlywell has brought so much clarity into my life and made mapping out a plan so much easier! I felt that this was worth sharing and I hope this was helpful.
May we all find true health.
May we all listen a little closer to what our bodies are trying to tell us.
If you need help deciding which test would be best for you, feel free to message me.
I would also love to hear your story below in the comments.
I appreciate your feedback and your exchange.
If you are interested in taking a test for yourself, be sure to use my link to
save 15% off your order!
All my Love,
Carlie Anna Humble