I know these things can sound a little cliche and often not obtainable in our every day lives. Im not talking about buying into the next new health trend or buying workout equipment that is advertised to fix your life, but usually ends up sitting in the corner with no plan for success. Im also not suggesting that it is possible to start all these new habits and healthy ways of living when the clock strikes twelve on New Years Day.
I do however believe that we can start small and continue to build onto our lives in a way that benefits us in more ways than imaginable. We were given the chance to live this life feeling our best, and it is our responsibility to do the work necessary and to show our children that a good life comes from hard work.
You have never experienced this day before, and it could be the day that you choose to live your life in the most meaningful way possible.
You could choose to become your brightest self.
I know personally that all of these things are realistic tools that can be implemented.
I would like to share some examples in my own life on each of these 10 topics and give some tips on how to add healthy habits into your life!
These are things that help me in my own life and that I am still working at every single day.
The best thing is that every single one of these habits build onto each other.
1-Getting Enough Good Sleep
Some of the benefits of adequate sleep are:
Sharper Concentration, Better Decision Making, Improved Memory, Strengthen your Heart, Increased Energy, Improved Physical Health, Stronger Immune System, Increased Ability to Manage Stress along with a more Balanced Mood, Proper Bodily Function and Metabolism.
I can feel direct results during my day depending on if I had a good nights rest or not. When you wake up feeling ready to take on your day, the chances of you getting around to these other 9 habits are much more likely.
Recently we just received the greatest gift, a new mattress topper from my Mom. My husband and I both see the importance in resting soundly and could not have ask for a better gift! I strive to create a sanctuary around my families sleeping areas with no lights or sound and clean, supportive bedding. Sticking to a Sleep Schedule is important for us as well, a Solid 8 Hours has us feeling our very best the next day, for us that usually looks like
9 pm-5 am. Paying attention to what you eat and drink before bed will also promote a well deserved, regenerative rest. Eating too late can cause your body to work most of the night, Rest is for Regeneration not Digestion. Another great way to promote a good nights sleep will lead me into Tip 2, exerting your body during the day and releasing built up energy will promise a more relaxed body and mind at night.
2-Movement and Strength Training
Everyone knows the direct results of Movement and Strength Training, but it goes beyond just getting in better shape physically. Some of the benefits of daily movement are Strengthening of the Muscles, More Durable and Denser Bones, Body Awareness, Coordination and Balance, Flexibility, Joint Health, Keeping your Mind Healthy, Heart Health, Improved Endurance, Release of Endorphins, Relieves Stress, Allows a Break from Intruding Thoughts and Helps Emotions Move through our Bodies.
Along with all of these benefits, being in shape physically feels amazing!
Including Movement and Strength Training into your Daily Routine can feel overwhelming at first and everyone has to overcome the hurdle of being consistent even when you don't want to. To put yourself in a situation that is out of your comfort zone is putting yourself in a situation where growth occurs.
I often struggle with the all or nothing mindset, which in the past has led me to going full force and then falling off my plan when it comes to exercise.
Within the past few months I have created a new plan for myself that has been working wonderfully and I would love to share it with you!
Each day I carve out time to walk my dirt road, whether that been in the morning before I make breakfast for my family or later on with my son during our homeschool day. I am gentle with myself when it comes to this practice because I do it everyday and something is better than nothing. Some days I walk longer than others, some days I run, some days I take a more gentle stroll, all depending on what my body is telling me that day, but no matter what kind of day it is, I walk. I show up for myself and provide my body with fresh air and brisk movement.
As Far as Strength Training, I show up for myself 3 Days a Week. My routine looks like this:
-Monday is Leg and Glute Day
-Wednesday is Arm and Upper Body Day
-Friday is Core and Cardio Day
I love to follow along with a Workout Video Online for Motivation and Guidance.
On average I spend 30 Minutes Targeting those Specific Areas with No Breaks
and then I Stretch and Find Movement in the Focused Area.
I have found that 3 Days a Week with One Day off in between works best for me and I feel I have a healthier relationship with fitness than I ever have before.
My family also loves to hike on the Weekends together.
On Sunday I Focus on Spending at Least 45 minutes doing a Full Body Yoga Flow.
Allowing my Body to Absorb all of the Work I put in during the week and Renewing myself for a fresh week to come.
Staying Hydrated is another Habit that makes everything else in life so
much more enjoyable.
Some Benefits of Drinking Enough Pure water are Joint Health, Digestive Efficiency, A Boost in Energy, Regulated Body Temperature, Regulated Blood Pressure, Weight Control, Promotes Healthy Kidney Function, A Positive Effect on Skin Clarity, Optimum Brain Function, Aids in Nutrient Absorption and Usually Takes the Place of other Bad Habits.
Personally I strive to drink a half gallon of water everyday, and more in the summer months. This will vary depending on who you are and your activity level.
I have a Water Bottle that I use during the day to keep track of my water intake.
Our Entire Body Depends on Water for proper function and efficiency, so if there is one habit to start with I think I would say this one is the most beneficial.
4-Digital Breaks
As we all know, we live in the age of electronics and constant stimulation. Ooo what a noisy world it can be if we allow it. Most start their mornings and end their days with a screen. Checking Notifications is pure Muscle Memory and most feel as if they are missing out on life if they are not constantly plugged in to all that is going on in everyone else's lives.
When we are constantly dealing with outside information, it makes it hard to find the time to do deeper work in our own personal lives.
Feeling like we are learning new things all the time but never truly implementing what we absorbed.
A dopamine hit at the least, an isolated world in disguise as community.
Our physical and mental health cannot keep up with this ever changing and expanding world. Taking a break from the screen will help you bring balance to your digital and real life.
Recently I have decided for myself to put down my phone and to focus on what is really important to me. Waking up without the feeling that I have to check messages and notifications is the most freedom I have felt in a long time. I have been so much more presents in my own life and have been finding the time for meaningful activities.
It is so profound to me that each time I go camping with my family in an area where there is no service, no cell tower interference and no noise other than that nature, how relieved my mind feels. I can feel a literal decompression in my body, a calm that feels so wonderful.
The last camping trip to the desert was the clarity I needed and pushed me to make the decision of removing media from my life.
Maybe deleting Facebook and Instagram isn't what feels good for you, and that is okay too.
I would just like to encourage you to take some time away from the Digital World and sit with what feels good for your own life. Making an effort not to mindlessly scroll as a form of distraction is a huge step in the direction of your mental health.
I have also disciplined myself in the way of time blocking, where I would allow certain times during the day to create on media and correspond with others. This prevents us from getting drawn into consumption and keeps our actions mindful.
I Challenge you to Set One Day a Week aside to not pick up your Devices for anything other than what is truly necessary.
Some Benefits of Digital Detox are Reconnecting with the World and the People Around You, Finding the Time to Discover New Hobbies, Sleeping Better, Experiencing Less Anxiety, Breaking the Cycle of Disconnection, Improving Your Attention Span, Improving your Physical Health, Developing a Healthier Relationship with Technology and
Truly Enjoying more of your Life.
5-Showing Self Care
Small Acts of Kindness can go a long ways, and this is true for your own body as well.
Remember to show yourself love and care.
Sometimes we can become so focused on the things we wish to change to become better versions of ourselves, we can forget to be grateful for all that we are and all we have already accomplished in our lives.
Choosing to Love Yourself is an act of Rebellion.
Believing in Yourself and all that you are Capable of is a Recipe for Success.
Something that I love doing is creating a Spa Night for myself once or twice a month.
I spend time cleaning my nails, doing a hair treatment, exfoliating my skin, enjoying a face mask, journaling or drawing, taking an herbal bath, and releasing anything that
I may be holding onto.
I am always amazed at how refreshed I feel after taking a little time for myself.
6- Providing Your Body With Minerals and Nutrients
Most of the foods that are sold today have minimal nutrients due to the soil it was grown in. It is so important to add in Trace Minerals through a trusted and natural source. I consume Shilajit as a Supplement and have lots of information on it if you are interested in learning more.
Naturally Sourced Vitamins and Minerals are the Building Blocks of True Health and Can Prevent so many Dis-Eases that so many people experience.
7-Choosing Whole Foods
A Habit that can be made 3 times a day is what you are consuming.
Being Mindful to Choose Whole Food Sources rather than Processed and Packaged Items will Benefit your Life in so many ways.
What We Eat is one of the largest contributing factors to our wellbeing and should be taken as a serious matter. May we choose foods that will Support and Strengthen our potential rather than mute us down.
I am a huge advocate for eating Organic Foods that are Sustainably Sourced and Growing as much of your own Foods as Possible.
If Choosing Animal Products, become educated in the most nutrient rich, Regenerative, Local, and Bioavailable Options.
Currently we our growing Arugula, Kale, Swiss chard, Collard Greens, Artichokes, Carrots, Beets, Cabbage, Onions, Fennel, Cilantro, Spearmint, Lemon Balm, Lemon Grass, Oregano, Sage, Apples, Lemons and Avocados. I am excited to expand our garden this Spring with our Plans to create a Secure Greenhouse!
I love to cook as a way to express love for my family because I know what I am providing them with is nurturing and going to benefit all parts of their lives.
8-Managing Stress
Stress is going to feel a lot less of a burden if you are practicing the habits above, but there are some other ways to cope and manage it as well.
Reducing the Amount of Sugar and Caffeine you consume is going to give you a much calmer mind and a more balanced view, resulting in less anxiety and stress overall.
Try switching to an herbal tea instead of that afternoon latte.
I have been practicing this technique and it has helped me so much; when you feel stressed or overwhelmed, step back and access the situation. Is it something that is truly fixing to happen or is it a thought and only a slight possibility of it becoming reality?
Is there something you can do or an action you can take to change the situation, and if not then is your stress and worry really making difference?
Sometimes it is hard to see past the current emotion of stress, but If we allow ourselves enough time to access what is really going on and let go if it is something out of our control, we will most likely receive peace about the situation.
Pray about what worries you, and God will give you peace.
9-Doing Something Meaningful Everyday
Living a Life Worth Living.
Having Meaning in your Life has so many benefits and is necessary for a
Healthy Mind, Soul and Spirit.
Individuals with a Strong Sense of Purpose tend to live longer, have healthier hearts, and are more resilient when challenges arise.
Doing One Thing Meaningful Everyday creates a Simple Life Full of Joy.
Focusing your Energy on Something that Promotes your Own Personal Happiness brings a Sense of Motivation and Excitement to your life.
Some Ways to Start this Healthy Habit could be Creating a Morning Ritual,
you are more likely to get more out of your day when you start it off right.
Try to Plan your day ahead and look forward to what is to come.
Consider Practice Learning Something New and Cultivating a New Skill in your Free Time.
Do one thing at a time and truly practice being in the moment, doing each task fully and whole heartedly.
Spend Time Outside when you can, Nature is Inspiring.
10-Having a Plan for your Future
Having a Plan for Your Life is Important.
This is How You Create your Life in a Beautiful Way.
Planning the Direction for your Life and Striving to Reach your Personal Goals while still being flexible with change and the unexpected creates a full life.
There is a story from (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) that illustrates how a lack of planning can effect your life in significant ways.
In the Story, Rocks, Pebbles, Sand and Water in a Jar all represent things in your life.
Rocks represent the important things such as family, children, friends, work, or whatever you value. The pebbles, sand and water represent the less important, yet necessary things you do everyday.
If you do not plan your life, and live with intention, there's a big chance that you will fail to add all of your big rocks into the jar of your life before everything else fills the space.
Even in a life that feels so full with endless task and thoughts, it is an empty life unless those important pieces are given a spot first.
All My Love, Carlie
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I love the way you presented your views. I'm thoroughly impressed with how committed you are to actually living these topics. You're amazing!